About Us

Corporate Solutions

Welcome to DSA Corporate Secretarial Services Sdn Bhd, your trusted partner for comprehensive corporate solutions. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, we specialize in a wide array of services including company registration, partnership collaborations, work permit applications, and business licensing. Our team is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes navigate the complexities of corporate compliance, taxation, bookkeeping, and trademark registration, ensuring smooth operations and legal adherence.

Whether you are an entrepreneur launching a startup or an established firm expanding into Malaysia’s dynamic market, DSA offers tailored solutions to support your growth. With a commitment to excellence and an in-depth understanding of local regulations, we provide efficient and reliable services to both domestic and international clients. Let us help you build a solid foundation for success.


欢迎来到 DSA Corporate Secretarial Services Sdn Bhd,您值得信赖的全面企业解决方案伙伴。公司总部位于吉隆坡,我们专注于提供多种服务,包括公司注册、合作伙伴关系协作、工作许可证申请以及商业执照办理。我们的团队致力于帮助各类企业应对企业合规、税务、簿记和商标注册等复杂事务,确保企业顺利运营并遵守法律规定。

无论您是初创企业家,还是正在拓展马来西亚充满活力市场的成熟企业,DSA 都能为您的发展提供量身定制的解决方案。我们承诺提供卓越服务,并深入了解当地法规,确保为国内外客户提供高效可靠的服务。让我们助您奠定成功的坚实基础。

(Roger Fong)
(Ms. Yee)